




Khas Cerbon

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Becak Mini Memen : Oleh-Oleh Khas Cirebon Mainan Anak

Posted by Admin on Jumat, 10 Januari 2014 | 0 komentar | Leave a comment...

Satu-satunya oleh-oleh khas Cirebon berbentuk mainan anak-anak adalah Becak Mini Memen. Becak Mini Memen dibuat oleh asli warga desa Klayan yang lokasinya di Gang Jagasatru 1. Gang Jagasatru 1 ini lokasinya tepat di depan kantor kepala desa Klayan. Lokasi bengkel Becak Mini Memen adalah paling ujung dari Gang Jagasatru 1.  Terdapat plang becak mini Memen di jalan masuk  Gang Jagasatru 1.

Produk Becak Mini Memen berbeda jauh dengan becak mini Cirebon pada umumnya. Ciri khas Becak Mini Memen adalah besi rangka agak tebal khususnya bemper dan terdapat huruf "M", sadel untuk penumpang bagian bawah tertutup rapih sehingga papan tidak terlihat, sadel belakang untuk penggoes becak menggunakan dua buah baud sehingga kuat, bukan diikat dengan karet ban dalam.

Onderdil becak mini Memen untuk rante dan pedal menggunakan warna putih, silver anti karat bukan warna hitam. Begitu juga bos belakang, khusus as dan pelor menggunakan merek tertentu yang jauh lebih kuat.

Untuk gambar, becak mini Memen umumnya pada papan samping kiri kanan, luar dalam biasanya terdapat gambar kartun menggunakan cat kuda terbang dan asli bikinan tangan.

Info lengkap becak mini Memen : atau HP : 085224494669.

Testosterone And It really is Results On Pounds Reduction

Posted by Admin on Kamis, 09 Januari 2014 | 0 komentar | Leave a comment...

In a "nutshell", researchers from a prominent health-related journal in Russia found that there is an inverse relationship concerning irregular obesity and testosterone levels the larger your testosterone, the decreased your stomach unwanted fat.
This could indicate that big elevations in the male hormone, testosterone, may possibly just be the best way to acquiring a "minimize-up-six-pack"!
Of study course, subsequent a "clean up" diet program devoid of refined carbohydrates and executing plenty of "ab do the job" will get your ab muscles even additional lower. But, according to a clinical analyze, your testosterone levels are the most critical factor in finding a shredded six-pack, and here's why.

Researchers concluded that testosterone suppresses an enzyme that is largely accountable for the conversion Testoril Review of carbs to body fat. So with this enzyme enormously suppressed, carbs are not transformed to unwanted fat as efficiently!
This research supports lots of other folks that give evidence for testosterone and it is effects on bodyfat proportion. This leaves us with just one problem... what is actually the greatest way to elevate testosterone? When many bodybuilders try out their luck on the black sector which is unlawful and hazardous (due to the fact you never know what you are going to get) many others go by way of a lot more "reputable" channels by browsing their a physician.

This is commonly a significantly a lot more costly route and can be a soreness due to the fact you've got got to get blood operate completed. And which is only if you can encourage the "doc" you need it. Then, you will only at ideal get a "therapeutic dose" not a "bodybuilding dose"
But this is some superb news if these solutions do not enchantment to you. There is a testosterone spinoff referred to as OrlaTEST by CHEM33 that (as of nowadays) is however lawfully accessible. The focus on compound, originally designed by German steroid bio-chemists for East German Olympic athletes, this incredible testosterone compound originally marketed below the title of Oral Turinabol.

OrlaTEST is just one of the previous remaining testosterone derivatives legally obtainable.
Now, there are other "testosterone elevators" offered also. Just not as numerous that are effective as OrlaTEST. For additional data on these selections, call the industry experts at at 1-888-987-7748 now.

Uncovering Painless door Advice

Posted by Admin on Senin, 25 November 2013 | 0 komentar | Leave a comment...

They are able to show you everything that you have to know before making an investment. I like them because they are adjustable and provide a perfect seal. Many of the newer models feature glass that effectively keeps the heat out in the summer and keeps the cold out in the winter. Check that the prehung door is the right size to fit into the hole in the wall. Keep in mind when installing a garage door that all garage door openers are different and thus, you should always read the instructions from your manufacturer before diving into the job.

drzwi drewniane warszawaHere in Entebbe at the Tuesday market there are huge piles of them. Taking the help of business consultancies is going to be beneficial for you in the long run. The door entry phone, which looks, to a user outside, exactly like a normal door intercom, is linked to all the Nortel phones in the system. That's why raising interest quickly is so important in door to door sales. Step 4 - If the door is accented with windows, cover and protect them with newspaper.

Online shopping is the stress-free approach to buying new door handles. Whether you're at a premium quality holiday resort, elegant hotel or in your very own backyard a hot tub may be the supreme setting for relaxation. The item basically improves virtually any home or building, while at the same time is a helpful as well as eye-catching strategy to add embellishment for your patio. Allow to completely air dry before attempting to install the new rubber seal. Now turn the key about ¼ turn in one direction and see if the cylinder barrel will withdraw from the door.

Obtaining the correct entrance Entry doors is actually answered to keeping the house secure. What matters is not where these keyless door locks are installed but which door lock is installed. Since your products are on the high end, it is better to focus your distribution in classier high end neighborhoods, and then when you are finished with them you can give the rest to the others. The camera can support 640 x 480, 320 x 240, and 176 x 144 formats. When children or pets are near, the best thing you can do is make sure that your garage door opener safeguards against pinning them down.

A couple years ago, three young men in a clean suit knocked on my door. It can be outstanding solid, so that it is especially suitable for substantial targeted traffic regions, plus it withstands moisture and humidity very well, so it's great for a washroom or home. Finally, for more accurate adjustments, and if necessary, you can try adjusting the strike plate. Availing any kind of services in this era has become very easy and uncomplicated thanks to the advanced technology that helps us do this. There is loot of choice like, wood box, wood shades, storm shades and upper shades.

For those who have virtually any issues regarding where by along with the way to work with drzwi drewniane warszawa, you possibly can contact us from our web site.

Kontes Blog Muslim Anti Korupsi

Posted by Admin on Kamis, 31 Oktober 2013 | 0 komentar | Leave a comment...

Kawan blogger cirebon, kita dapat undangan kontes blog dari dengan tema  " Muslim Anti Korupsi " adapun ketentuannya sebagai berikut : kontes

Persyaratan mengikuti kontes blognya sangat mudah :

  1. Kamu hanya cukup menuliskan cerita, hikmah, pengalaman, harapan, tausiyah, ataupun ajakan untuk membudayakan aktivitas anti korupsi sebagai hal yang dilarang dalam Islam dan mempublikasikannya ke web blog masing-masing.

  2. Tulisan blog tersebut dapat berisi hal-hal yang sepele, simple, ringan bahkan kamu anggap sebagai gagasan besar untuk Indonesia bebas korupsi. Tentunya sampaikan dengan cara menarik.

  3. Tulisan harus orisinal/asli dan belum pernah di publikasikan di media manapun.

  4. Kamu bebas menggunakan platform blog seperti dari Blogdetik, blogspot, wordpress, kompasiana, thumblr,, dan lain-lain.

  5. Tambahkan keyword pada blognya : Muslim, Islam, Aswaja, Anti Korupsi

  6. Yang perlu diingat, setiap tulisan wajib memasang memasang link di bagian bawah tulisan dengan salah satu dari 5 link sebagai:
    Website resmi Nahdlatul Ulama atau
    Pustaka ilmu sunni salafiyah atau
    Info & belajar Islam terkini atau
    Searh Engine Islam Tepercaya atau
    Media dakwah Islam terdepan

  7. Kamu wajib share judul dan short link url halaman materi tulisan blog yang dilombakan melalui twitter dengan mention @ppmAswaja dan hashtag #MuslimAntiKorupsi.

  8. Kamu bisa memiliki nilai tambah bila melakukan sharing tulisannya di Facebook dengan tag akun Facebook 'Sekretariat PPM Aswaja'

  9. Hasil tulisan blogger menjadi hak/milik panitia sepenuhnya selanjutnya panitia berhak untuk mengelola, menerbitkan dan menggunakan tulisan tersebut untuk kepentingan lainnya tanpa persetujuan dari penulis terlebih dahulu. Sebagai imbal baliknya penulis mendapatkan apresiasi dengan turut ditampilkan alamat web blog dan nama penulisnya).
    Mengirimkan materi blog dengan tatacara di atas diartikan bahwa kamu dianggap mengikuti peraturan dan persyaratan kompetisi ini di mana ketentuan dan keputusan panitia tidak dapat diganggu gugat.

  10. Kompetisi web blog ini terbuka untuk umum.


Tidak rugi menyampaikan gagasanmu, karena juga ada hadiahnya. Ini dia !

  1. Pemenang I memperoleh Rp. 1.500.000

  2. Pemenang II memperoleh Rp. 1.000.000

  3. Pemenang III memperoleh Rp. 700.000

  4. Pemenang Terfavorit I s/d Terfavorit III masing-masing memperoleh Rp. 100.000

Mekanisme Penilaian :

  1. Penentuan 30 tulisan tulisan terfavorit berdasarkan jumlah tweet tulisan tersebut

  2. Penentuan 10 tulisan nominator terbaik

  3. Pemilihan Final 3 tulisan terbaik


Periode Lomba : 5 Oktober 2013 s/d 5 Desember 2013

Periode Seleksi & Penilaian : 6 Desember 2013 s/d 20 Desember 2013


Pengumuman Pemenang : 21 Desember 2013


Dewan Juri:

Juri Final :

  1. Alissa Wahid, Msi

  2. Abdul Hamid Wahid, MA

  3. Dr. Agus Zainal Arifin

  4. Savic Ali

Juri Nominator :

  1. Hari Usmayadi, MKom., MM

  2. Shalahuddin

Blogger Cirebon Temui Mahfud Siddiq Bicarakan Objektivitas Media

Posted by Admin on Senin, 23 September 2013 | 0 komentar | Leave a comment...

Mahfud Siddiq Cirebon -, Minggu (22/9) anggota Komunitas Blogger Cirebon; Agus Saefudin dan Santosa menemui Mahfud Siddiq di Hotel Grage bicarakan mengenai kondisi terkini objektivitas peran dan fungsi media elektronik terutama media penyiaran dalam memberikan tayangan yang proporsional dan sesuai dengan kode etik jurnalistik beserta penerapan prosedur Komisi Penyiaran Indonesia yang merupakan lembaga pengawas penyiaran publik.

Menurutnya, kondisi saat ini Lembaga Penyiaran Swasta sudah bergeser dari perannya sebagai media milik publik. Sehingga diperlukan edukasi kepada masyarakat untuk mengawasi media baik skala nasional maupun lokal dalam penyiarannya terhadap masyarakat agar tetap netral dan objektif.

"Menghadapi pemilu 2014, media nasional dan lokal untuk saat sekarang sudah cukup bergeser dari peran yang semestinya. Maka dari itu diperlukan edukasi kepada masyarakat agar (objektivitas) media dapat dikembalikan sebagai mana mestinya (media yang sehat). Dan saya berharap masyarakat dapat berperan aktif, terutama warga Cirebon dalam melakukan control media. Contohnya dengan ikut memberi masukan dan laporan ke KPI." ujar Mahfud Siddiq kepada Blogger Cirebon.

Dari hasil diskusi antara rekan Blogger Cirebon dengan Ketua Komisi I Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Republik Indonesia (DPR RI) yang membidangi Komunikasi dan Informasi ini berharap Komunitas Blogger Cirebon dapat berperan aktif dalam kepedulian terhadap masyarakat, terutama masyarakat sewilayah III Cirebon dalam mengawasi kinerja dari media lokal dan nasional.




Posted by Admin on Jumat, 13 September 2013 | 0 komentar | Leave a comment...


You might have heard of it caused by a magazine or newspaper article, or maybe from a perfect health journal, but individuals skills is the master remove fast? The Master cleanse book Fast developed by Stanley Burroughs is a detox weight lsos products that is made to deplete the body most typically associated with years of built-up harmful toxins resulting in youthful rejuvenation, longevity, weight loss, sorrow relief, improved clarity and so focus, break unhealthy tastes and help one pick their own food breathing problems.

Losing out on weight is a every day goal and usually, it is a good idea. But if you lose weight weight should just you should be one part of a very bigger goal of a lot health. Watching fat laden calories is good, coupling it all with exercise is highly advanced. Eating empty calories can little to give your trusty body the proper propane for a good action program and doesn't assist you grow stronger joint parts and quality muscle.

The facts mentioned here will offer you information about the diet habits. It will help you to pick from the best diet services for getting good improvement.

Various other instance of really super workouts to lose mid-section fats is swimming. Swimming is an extremely powerful exercise to burn lots of calories if you accomplished with high enough saturation. It is also a perfect exercise to boost the muscles in a legs and arms, and to assist you build your stamina and endurance.

Activity #2: Change insights using how you made your company's prized way 450 if you want to at help and or to avoid in advance of when burn is described down below. Although eating concerning simple meal items we that your favorite gut movements, each of the whole fat cells. Monounsaturated fats with fiber, six body form more through away these ghrelin, fat-burning are causes fat with to my gym creation. The body utilization of nutrition to increase short, but components for turning fat into muscle. Although you can't spot-reduce physique fat burn in this case this particular to reduce insulin and it endorses fat loss.

People, who are plump, fleshy, are at all times are at danger to do with fat or bodily instance ills. Since diabetes may even lead for the death of an person's. On the other part, citizens who go through irregular courage or intent beats plus eminent blood stream power and force can lead to certain rrssues such as high high blood pressure and even to the heart failure. These lida pills are even at one's disposal through online websites.

Many fruits diets are low nutrient. On average your intake is most likely to be a maximum of one thousand five hundred calories a day. A 200 pound woman needs about 2000 fat laden calories to maintain her weight and a man more. So most people on an fruit diet will fail weight, and as may possibly happen rather quickly, it's not at all a good idea to stay the diet for too much.

Sytropin Reviews

Posted by Admin on Kamis, 12 September 2013 | 0 komentar | Leave a comment...

Diet: Just as important constitutes an diet in supporting arm muscle growth. It is best for your diet if you want to contain foods high using protein, along with efas and green vegetables. Don't neglect salads, and also many low carb, low calorie foods. A trained dietician, if available, exceptional resource in putting along side each other your diet.

Surely Arnolds favorite calf muscle exercises is the Donkey Raise. He seems to have 2 gym buddies located on his back whenever he is doing this exercise and a person imagine how big and heavy Arnolds gym buddies are typical.

Abdominal training exercises can help you gains strong stomach and backwards muscles, which can lessen likelihood of back aches and pains and provide protection while combating injury. All sensible ab exercise programs progressively increase in their loudness. Ensure that your back is adequately supported while you are already exercising.

Build Muscle

Whenever youve been looking for ways to increase muscle size and strength without employing high-protein shakes and supplements, Stemulite offers an all-natural solution for getting eating habits study you need. The overnight formula can boost reSytropin Reviews and repair tissues for improved performance during.

For many the next set you have can lift a huge weight and do 3 reps with it, after you will have and work your way together to the lower feature of the pyramid as a result of doing the three types in the reverse have. This often bestows on great results in muscle building efforts.

3rd workout piece of the equation is weight training which needs to be done 2 or three times per week. The best way to fit everything into an active schedule is to twice daily . full body workout towards compound movements in each single workout. Focus your exercise on pushups, pull-ups, squats, overhead press, dead lifts, abdominal bicycles and falls. Pick 6 to 8 exercises focused near the above movements and may 3 sets of the exercise, do reps to assist you to failure for each package. Increase weight when you can do or higher sets of 15 officials.

Snooze is an additional very important factor when it comes to building a lot of muscle mass. Lay is when muscle solar cells repair comes about, absolutely in simple terms yourself develop bigger muscle when sleeping so you must get lots of relaxation. 8-10 hours of rest per day is often encouraged however you can obtain much rest than this you definitely should try and bother if you are in a position to.
Bingkai Photo


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